Our cleaning includes our sanitizer and deodorizer formula. This formula fights against common household allergens ‘hiding’ in the home environment such as:

>Dust mites are microscopic arachnids found anywhere there is dust. Just one gram of dust can contain anywhere from 100 to 500 dust mites.

>Pet dander is small scales of skin shed by animals.

>Mold spores are microscopic fungal “seeds” that thrive in damp areas of the home, such as the basement, kitchen, and bathroom. Carpet and upholstery dust harbors millions of fungal spores.

>Cockroaches are common, unseen house guests. Their body parts and droppings are highly allergenic.

>Pollen is the microscopic reproductive component of flowering plants and trees. It enters the home from outdoors and is a common component of house dust.

>Allergens are constantly tracked into the home from outdoors. Some are present in the home because of pets, while others (such as mold) grow in damp areas. Research has shown that indoor carpet environments act as a collector for these allergens. When carpets are not professionally cleaned regularly, these particles can become airborne.